Newmarket Racecourses: Brand development

Client: Newmarket Racecourses
Campaign: Where Winners Win
Newmarket Racecourses had witnessed a gradual decline in ticket sales for their race meets and events. They were struggling to attract a new generation of racegoers, with the younger demographic failing to recognise Newmarket Racecourses as a viable alternative to nearby Newmarket and Cambridge when planning a day out with friends. It was felt that the brand had become tired, with no cohesive structure to the creative, and a lack of any co-ordinated strategy.

We gave the brand a complete overhaul, combining black background with gold type to create a new style and attitude that would look more credible amongst a younger audience, without alienating existing racegoers. A custom typeface was introduced that reflected the two racecourses, with the ‘Where Winners Win’ strapline adopted as the Newmarket mantra for all race meets and events.

The new look was rolled out across all marketing activity, including advertising, raceday collateral, signage, e-marketing and website, with Newmarket seeing an instant return with record attendance figures throughout the season.