Nuco Creative also provide high-end photo retouching services, working closely with photographers to ensure that your shots look as good as they possibly can.
John Lewis product retouching: Adam Gault Photography have worked closely with John Lewis for a number of years, and are trusted to deliver the exceptionally high quality of product shots required for their packaging and marketing. This sometimes requires comping separately shot elements together, to ensure consistency with lighting and in this case, reflections. Adam contacted Nuco to help create a composite of one of their saucepan ranges. The final image was composed from multiple shots of the pans and handles, taking the best elements from each shot (the lip of the pans, the handle rivets, shadows and reflections).
Yankee Candle retouching: Adam Gault Photography needed some final retouching on their shots of the latest Yankee Candle ranges. Having the candles lit during the shoot had created unwanted flares on the glass jars, and gave little control over the look of the flame and wick. As such, we were required to remove the flames and any glass flare, and comp in new flames, taking into account reflections and refractions that would appear through the glass. It was essential for the labels to be pin sharp, so Adam supplied separate shots focussing on each of the labels, which we were then able to comp over the tops of the main shot. The final step was to clean up any blemishes and air bubbles in the wax.
Jane Churchill Interiors: Extensive retouching of helicopter interior to create sample boards for the upholstery options. Every component in the shot was isolated onto separate layers, from the seat belts and cup holders, to the walnut panelling and piping on the seats. This allowed for complete control of recolouring and overlaying the fabric textures onto the seats. Additional highlights and shadows were the final step to creating the visuals.
Experimenting with pixel explosions in Photoshop combining custom brushes with layer masks.
Automotive retouching: Isolate car onto new background. Add headlights with lens flare and emulate speed using various blur techniques on the wheels and background
Experimentation with pixel dispersal effects using layer masks and custom brushes to isolate the subject and place on new background.